Cod-fishing season
you can kiss
what you catch.

Newfoundland and Labrador Recreational Groundfish Fishery
In most cases you come home with more than the fish as someone recently wrote:
Dear friends,
In August '06 we had the opportunity to stay with you on our vacation to the island of Newfoundland. For me, this trip was an opportunity to slow down and refresh my spirit and to touch base with my own past. I was raised on the East coast of Newfoundland and spent many a day on the water with family and friends alike. Your home and the surroundings helped rekindle old memories - thank-you! Your 'business' felt more like a family home than an inn - a true testament to a quality Bed and Breakfast.
Yet the unexpected 'boat tour' of the islands was far more than we could have ever expected or imagined. My two boys had never been in an open boat before, let alone gone cod fishing. The sheer joy and glee my boys showed when they pulled up their first cod-fish is a memory that we shall all cherish for as long as we shall live. When we returned home, the boys could not wait to tell their mother what they had done and how excited they were to have gone fishing.
As an added bonus for myself (a former Canadian Navy sailor), the smell of the ocean and the wind in my face was simply wonderful. The salt spray that crested out bow was something that I will remember for a long time to come.
This vacation was planned to be a boys only adventure trip. What an adventure!!
Should we return to the Burgeo area, your Inn on the Sea will be the first place that we will seek out.
Again thanks for going the extra knot.
Mack and the Lads